Leading International Wholesale Product Distributor with
Bulk Discounts on National Brands &Private Labels

Terms and Conditions

Great Lakes Wholesale Group welcomes the opportunity to extend an open line of credit to organizations with which we will be doing business. We have prepared this policy statement to explain our credit and ordering terms. If this does not answer all of your questions, please contact our Credit or Sales department at (800) 233-2688. We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship.
    1. A line of credit will be granted on the basis of the results of a credit investigation by the Credit Department as to the credit history and financial strength of the account in question.
    2. All customers are required to complete and sign our credit application, which will provide the credit information needed to support the line of credit extended. This information will be held in strict confidence by Great Lakes Wholesale Group. If additional information or clarification is needed, the account will be contacted by the Great Lakes Wholesale Credit Department.
    3. Click here to download a Credit Application.
    4. Payment in advance will be required when a customer's credit history precludes the extension of open account credit, a collection problem exists, or the urgency of the shipment precludes a normal credit investigation. These terms will be administered by the Credit Department as required.
  2. TERMS
    1. Prepaid Shipment: Great Lakes Wholesale Group accepts major credit cards, money orders, cashier's checks, company checks, ACH payments and wire transfers. If prepayment is not received within 15 days your order will be automatically cancelled. Sorry, no C.O.D. deliveries.
    2. All orders presented to Great Lakes Wholesale Group will have terms as stipulated on the applicable order unless otherwise specified by prior agreement. No terms or conditions of purchase orders different from the terms of Great Lakes Wholesale Group will become part of any sales agreement or other document unless specifically approved in writing by Great Lakes Wholesale Group.
    3. If per special promotion, an invoice has discount terms, the invoice must be paid within those terms or the discount will be disallowed. The account will be notified of the amount of discount disallowed and the check number involved. This amount must be included on the next remittance to Great Lakes Wholesale Group. Discount due date is determined by invoice date. Under no circumstances can any discount be taken if paying by credit card.
    4. Payment due dates are based upon date of original invoice.
    5. We may at our option charge up to 1.5% per month for delinquent accounts
    1. If a customer believes there is an error on an invoice, they must contact their Great Lakes Wholesale Group Account Executive within 72 hours of delivery. It is then Great Lakes Wholesale Group's responsibility to investigate that error and resolve it as soon as possible.
    2. Holding payment on a full invoice or the entire account, when only part of an invoice requires adjustment, is a violation of terms and will subject the entire invoice or account to interest charges and may result in disallowed discounts, if applicable.
    3. c. All shipped pallets should arrive in black shrink wrap with white and blue glw sealing tape that states “if seal has been broken, check contents”. If your pallet arrives without the security sealing tape, please note “sealing tape not intact” on the bill of lading as you sign it and immediately contact randy Foulkes at 1-708-741-9302 or by e-mail at rfoulkes@glwholesale.com
    1. A $25.00 charge will be assessed for all checks presented for payment which are returned to Great Lakes Wholesale Group due to insufficient funds, and will be treated as an invoice for collection purposes.
    2. If an account submits two such NSF checks, the account may be placed on a "certified funds only" status for a minimum of six months. After that time, a new credit investigation may be performed. Based upon the results of this investigation, the Credit Department may elect to return the account to open status or maintain the account on a "certified funds only" status.
    3. We will not be held responsible for post-dated checks sent to our lockbox that are returned as Insufficient Funds (NSF).
    1. A $25.00 charge will be assessed for all checks presented for payment which are returned to Great Lakes Wholesale Group as STOP PAYMENT, and will be treated as an invoice for collection purposes.
    2. Any STOP PAYMENT check that is received without notification to Great Lakes Wholesale Group Credit Department will be construed as an attempt at fraud. An attempt to contact the customer will be made and will be immediately sent to collections if no reasonable settlement can be found, incurring any additional costs.
    1. In the event that payment of an invoice becomes past due, the account will be contacted by the Great Lakes Wholesale Group Credit Department to determine if any problems exist with the invoice. If the account believes there is an error on the invoice, the Credit Department will notify the Account Executive of the account status to resolve as soon as possible.
    2. If there are no discrepancies on the invoice, the account will be reminded of our terms, including late interest charges, and asked when payment will be forthcoming. If an agreement cannot be reached on a mutually acceptable payment date, the account will be placed on credit hold, which will preclude the shipment of future orders on an open credit basis until the account is no longer delinquent.
    3. At 60 days past due, and after reasonable attempts have been made at collecting the balance due, the account will be demanded payment and if acceptable agreements are not made, the account will be sent to an external collection agency. All additional costs will be charged to the account and the credit terms will revert to cash.
    1. All returns must be authorized by your Account Executive before the merchandise is returned.
    2. Specified returned instructions will be provided on return procedures, as well as return shipping labels.
    3. Merchandise that is returned to us without proper return authorization will be refused. Credit will not be issued for any merchandise for which advance authorization was not obtained, and will be issued only for goods actually received by Great Lakes Wholesale.
    4. All returns not attributable to a Great Lakes Wholesale Group error are subject to a 20% restocking charge. Customer is responsible for freight charges for the return.
    5. Absolutely no returns on presells or seasonal merchandise will be accepted.
    1. All Great Lakes Wholesale Group orders must be a minimum $500.
    1. Freight charges are the responsibility of the customer, not Great Lakes Wholesale Group, unless otherwise specified. All freight charges are FOB origin. You may select Great Lakes Wholesale to prepay for the freight and have it added to your invoice at shipping or request the merchandise to be shipped freight collect. We do not ship anything COD. All payments must be pre-arranged with your Account Executive prior to shipping.
    2. For International orders outside the United States and Canada, you must procure the services of a Freight Forward Company. Their name and address will be put in the shipping information section of the order acknowledgment. We will ship the merchandise to the Freight Forward Company using standard shipping costs as outlined above. You would then make the appropriate arrangements through the Freight Forward Company to get the product to you. We will not ship International orders any other way. way.
    1. Customer should give Great Lakes Wholesale Group at least 72 hours to complete order for pickup.
    2. Customer must arrange for pickup of order within 72 hours of notification that it is done otherwise the order may be shipped to customer at the customer’s expense.
    1. Great Lakes Wholesale Group will attempt to completely fill all orders. However, some products will occasionally not be available for immediate shipment. Substitution of products may be available by requesting the information from your Account Executive.
  12. PRICES
    1. All prices quoted in the Great Lakes Wholesale Group catalogs are FOB Bolingbrook, IL unless otherwise stated. Because of the constantly changing market conditions, PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.
    2. There are no express or implied warranties, including warranties as to merchantability or fitness, which extend beyond the description of the merchandise set forth in the catalog.
    3. It is the customer's responsibility to know what will or will not clear your particular country's customs. Great Lakes Wholesale Group will not be responsible for merchandise seized at your country's border. Refunds will not be issued for seized merchandise. If you have a question, please contact your local customs office to see if questionable items will clear the customs of your particular country.
    1. Great Lakes Wholesale Group does not sell to the general public, and therefore requires a sales tax exempt certificate or resale license on all customers prior to shipping. Failure to comply with state and federal regulations can result in holds on shipping or sales tax added to invoices.
  14. MISC
    1. We sell wholesale only. Please be ready to provide a state sales tax or tax-exempt number.
    2. Many of our items are packed in small quantity, convenient case packs. All items must be purchased in the equivalents of the quantity listed.
    3. To see all of our low prices and/or to place an order, click on login/register at the top of the website. If you are a current customer and are already setup on our website, simply login. If you haven't registered on our website, click on the register button to complete a short information form and follow the instructions. If you are not yet a customer, please contact us at either webmaster@glwholesale.com or (800) 233-2668 to get pricing information.
    4. All orders placed on-line require 72 hours to process. If you are requesting to pick up an order, please contact our Customer Service Department at (800) 233-2668 after placing your order to make the appropriate arrangements.
    5. If you have questions or concerns regarding the delivery of your order, please contact the trucking company you have been assigned and work with them directly to answer your shipping questions.
Great Lakes Wholesale Group reserves the right to change this policy at any time.